Sport: our passion

We have strong ties with the local community and believe it is fundamental to be present with activities supporting initiatives close to our heart and vision. In this sense, year after year we have sponsored Boxe Loreni, which last year hosted the Italian Super bantamweight Championships at San Filippo (read the article on here).

Our cycling team never ceases to amaze us and we can’t help but be proud of them, here is the article on TuttoBiciWeb.

We support the Amateur Sports Association Dreampuzzle, Brescia, for WRO (a Lego Mindstorms training project and for the use of robotics in schools) which will take place in Brescia in 2021.

We are also involved in football and are enthusiastic supporters of the young players of U.S.D. Oratorio Mompiano (here is the information sheet).

tamburini sport
tamburini sport
tamburini sport
tamburini sport
tamburini sport

Alliance for culture

Business Culture goes hand in hand with Community Culture. This is why the Tamburini family supports Alleanza Cultura, the ground-breaking agreement that supports the valorisation and promotion of our artistic heritage and of important cultural events in our city. (Watch the video of Elena Tamburini for Fondazione Brescia Musei).

The Rezzato Art Gallery Foundation

We enthusiastically took to the project “Nel cuore dei Diritti (At the heart of Rights) – drawings by children from around the world for the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on child rights (28th September 2019-28th June 2020), renewing our immense esteem towards the contribution to culture of this establishment considered a feather in the cap in the entire province of Brescia.

Our social commitment

Although our company moved from Rezzato years ago, we still nurture close emotional ties with that town and enthusiastically supported the Photo Exhibition, Persone fuori dal comune (“Out of the ordinary people); a very important project for the community involving people who give their contribution, on a daily basis, towards initiatives that offer hospitality, co-operation and integration.

We also felt it was important for us to help support the Rezzato Retirement Home, Casa Almici, by sponsoring the annual Calendar.

We financially supported the renovation of the San Giovanni Bosco di Rezzato Oratory, which was completed in 2018., and as for the year 2020-2021 we will financially join in the renovation of the sports facilities at the Mazzano Oratory.

Schools Feature

We strongly believe that engaging students in work activities is an excellent way to involve them and kindle a sense of responsibility that is essential for coping in the adult world. In fact, in recent years we have hosted interns from the Rodolfo Vantini Vocational School of Rezzato, and in 2019 we activated a work-related learning project involving three groups of students who gained experience at our workshop in addition to their classroom lessons.

We have also activated a partnership with a retired employee who is now fully dedicated to teaching students and assisting them during all steps of the machining process. Other partnerships include the Giuseppe Zanardelli Vocational Training Centre in Brescia for internships, and the State Technical High School ITIS Castelli, with whom we have activated a partnership with the objective of manufacturing a car inspired by the F3 class, involving a sizeable group of students from the school.

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tamburini scuola
tamburini scuola
tamburini scuola